Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Effect of Anabolic Steroids Research Paper - 2531 Words

Athletes, whether they are young or old, professional or amateur, are always looking to gain an advantage over their opponents to come away with the win. The desire for an edge exists in all sports, at all levels of play, from peewee wrestling to professional football. Successful athletes rely on skill, practice, and hard work to increase their skills, speed, power, and ability. Today, high school and even middle school students are using steroids illegally. The United Institute of Health reported that 2.9% of twelve graders in high school have used anabolic steroids(Drugs In Sports, 2) These drugs may also have been called: roids, juice, gym candy, pumpers, stackers, balls or bulls, arnies, or anabolics(Anabolic Steroids, 1). Also most†¦show more content†¦Stacking is a method of combining different steroids to take at once, like stacking the drugs on top of each other. This method is believed to make certain steroids work better when they are used together. This also is u sed to help build up tolerance to the steroids (Volkow, 2-3). Steroids have many different effects, mostly negative. They cause the rapid increase of strength and power (Roberts, 2). Steroids help to heal muscles quicker after they have been used. It acts as the male hormone testosterone and gives the user more energy. This is the effect that most users are trying to obtain. They also have the effect of powering up the bodies metabolism and helps to burn body fat. This output is looked for mostly obsess people. With have the time and effort of regular diet and weight training steroids may look like a great quick body tune-up. However the negative effects may short live the positive by a long shot. One of the most common side effects is irritability and aggression. Users may sometimes be unable to control their emotions of mostly anger. This is called roid rage. After use of steroids some users may have to go through behavioral therapy to keep their anger under control. Steroids are illegal in most countries and may be hard to manufacture. If there are made in a country that is illegal they may not have been made in a sterile envirernment. This can cause multiple reactions if taken by either pill orShow MoreRelatedShould Steroids Be Illegal For Athletes?900 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"If steroids are illegal for athletes, then why isn’t photoshop illegal for models?†. Documented steroid usage has increased significantly over the past decade, however this paper contends that with the help of medical research, medical surveys and first hand experience, I will demonstrate steroids are not as hazardous as the general public perceives steroids to be. As steroid use continues to be identified in the news, a growing trend in America and all over the world right now seems to be askingRead MoreEssay about The Use of Anabolic Steroids in Society Today1215 Words   |  5 PagesThe Use of Anabolic Steroids in Society Today The use of steroids in our society today is very common, that is with prescription. But that is not the kind of steroids I am talking about, I am talking about Anabolic Steroids. Anabolic steroids are a very sensitive issue in the world of sports today. Even though the side effects are life threatening, men and woman alike continue to submit their bodies to this illegal drug. Anabolic steroids are taken either through pills or injected directlyRead More The Use of Steroids and Performance Enhancing Drugs in Sports1507 Words   |  7 PagesI have chosen to write my paper on the topic of steroids and performance enhancing substances that are used today in sports. 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We takeRead MoreThe Effects Of Drug Abuse On Sports779 Words   |  4 Pagesin sports. I have found many topics to talk about and the first one I have chosen to write about is steroids in sports. I wanted to choose this topic because I’m a very athletic person myself and I thought that this topic is perfect for me, I found my research on and from here this is how I got all my information from. Many athletes now a days are taking steroids, why is that? Is it to make a squad, or impress a member of the opposite sex? There really isn tRead MoreSteroid Use Of Bodybuilding And Steroids889 Words   |  4 PagesSteroid Use in Bodybuilding Chayla Vines Clover Park Technical College Abstract [The abstract should be one paragraph of between 150 and 250 words. It is not indented. Section titles, such as the word Abstract above, are not considered headings so they don’t use bold heading format. Instead, use the Section Title style. This style automatically starts your section on a new page, so you don’t have to add page breaks. Note that all of the styles for this template are available on the Home tabRead More Anabolic Steroids Essay1560 Words   |  7 Pages Steroids Probably one of the biggest stories in the news today is steroids in Major League Baseball. This is one of the reasons that I chose to do my research paper on steroids. I knew that it would not be hard to find information on the issue. I also needed to have a topic that relates to my service learning project. This is helping coach a high school track and field team. And as you will read later, I talk about steroids with high school athletes. I also wanted to improve my knowledge on theRead MoreThe Use Of Steroid Use Used On Recreational Activities910 Words   |  4 PagesThe use of steroids in recreational activities has many consequences on those who take the risk and use steroids. 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According to English dictionary in 1889 the world â€Å"doping† described originally a mixed remedy containing opium, which was used to â€Å"dope†Read MoreEssay on Steroids: A Growing Role in Society2938 Words   |  12 PagesSteroids: A Growing Role in Society Dear Mr.: Here is my research project on steroids and its effect on society. While conducting my research I have learned that steroids are becoming a serious and dangerous problem in society. I believe that my research project would be a good reference for anyone interested in the science and culture of steroids in America. Some of the topics I covered in my project are topics that have for the most part been ignored by most scholarly works on steroids

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Remember The Titans Is A Classic Movie - 1567 Words

Remember the Titans is a classic movie about one African American-populated high school and one Caucasian-populated high school who are forced to integrate into one school/football team in a suburban town in Virginia in 1971. Neither races are obliging to this rash decision being enforced but there was nothing to be done about it. The 70’s were a very difficult time to be a minority especially for African Americans, which is what led to many problems and struggles not only throughout the school, but specifically within the football team. During this time of hatred and segregation, one football team at T.C. Williams High School goes through the struggle of working together with teammates belonging to a different race. Through all of the hardships taken place in the film, the team gradually learns to not define one another because of skin color. Once the disappointing news about the integration of the two schools was struck upon the students, mixed emotions are stirred a bit. Integration in the 1970s is considered a prominent issue in the Caucasian community due to the past generations being raised to believe in segregation. Both races viewed integrations differently; as for the Caucasians this was a disappointment after many years of dominance, however, for the African American community in the United States this was a big accomplishment and stepping stone for the future. In Remember the Titans, the setting is Virginia where conflict amongst races was already eminent.Show MoreRelatedRemember the Titans Essay628 Words   |  3 PagesRemember the Titans is a classic football movie filled with many obstacles. These obstacles vary from racism to dealing with death. It’s based on a true story that took place in Alexandria, Virginia in 1971. What makes this movie classic is how the players and coaches were able to overc ome the issue of segregation and build relationships to form a championship team. Building relationships When the school board announced there will no longer be any form of segregation in schools, the black andRead MoreThe Classic Remember The Titans By Boaz Yakin1092 Words   |  5 PagesBoaz Yakin’s timeless classic ‘Remember The Titans,’ is a story that encompasses and explores many empathetic topics such as friendship, sport, racism, teenagehood, rivalry and leadership. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Marris Growth Maximisation Model Free Essays

Assignment Set 2 Question 1 What are the principles of management? Answer There are fourteen principles of management laid by Henri Fayol. They are elaborated further below. Division of labour A particular task is divided into several units or segments, each performed by specialists in order to achieve efficiency. We will write a custom essay sample on Marris Growth Maximisation Model or any similar topic only for you Order Now Authority and responsibility coexist Responsibility must be understood properly in order to achieve command in the business by taking the right decision at the right time for the right purpose. Unity of command There should be single chain of command in the organisational structure which means one person should report to only one boss Unity of direction Managers must be methodical and must approach with a single plan following the single universal approach to achieve goals Equity Management actions must be a combination of fairness, justice and empathy layered with the idea of productivity-based incentives. Order The entire process of productivity must balance on a discrete system which governs on the principles of desired output Discipline Management must elaborate through the entire chain of command the necessary of maintaining norms, rules and guidelines to enhance productivity and harmony in workplace Initiative The workers must find their job interesting so that they are enthusiastic about learning new responsibilities, thus bringing effectiveness. Fairness Various industrial laws and norms are established and governed by the respective legislative bodies to ensure a system of fairness, justice, equality is maintained within the industrial as well as organisational environment. Stability Proper schooling of guidelines, methodologies, and systems involved; creates team spirit, smoothness and enhances productivity. Thus an employee will always adjust himself or herself according to the dynamic reality. Scalar chain A strict and coordinated effort of inflow and outflow of information from top level to the lowest level of organisational hierarchy creates smoothness, review plans and solve problems faster. Subordination of individual interest to general interest Organisation’s interest must be prioritised at all cost because it affect the interest of many stakeholders. Espirit de corps Management must ensure the existence of team spirit, harmony and intense communication and accurate dissemination of information, trust among the employees. Centralisation and decentralisation Authority and power must centralise and decentralise accordingly although decentralisation is the trend nowadays in various existing multinational and national organisations. Question 2 What are the characteristics of leading? Answer The characteristics of leading are * Pervasiveness * Continuity * Human factor * Creativity Executive function * Delegating function Pervasiveness Characteristic of leading is required in all levels of organisation. Leading motivates all the levels in the organisation to coordinate with the CEO (leader). Continuity Leading is a continuous process happens everywhere and at anytime in the organisation. Its importance becomes higher when the organisation is undergoing a change. Human factor Leading directs and controls human factor of complexity and u npredictable nature in more of a disciplined, matured performer regarding fulfilment of rganisational goals and objectives. Creativity Differentiated thoughts and ideas are accumulated and processed through employees enrolled from different strata of the society brings matured creativity in order to project growth and development in the organisation. Executive function Leading implies that the followers execute the functions of organisation, which the leader and the follower agree is important for achieving the organisational goals and through it the individual goals. Delegating function Delegating is natural fallout of leading. It also follows that the leader trusts his or her followers and vice-versa. Mutual trust is the most important in leading and delegation is largely based on that. Question 3 Briefly explain the four main approaches to organisational behaviour. Answer The main approaches to organisational behaviour are: * Human resource approach * Contingency approach * Productivity approach * Systems approach Human resource approach The organisation is for the people, by the people and with people. Humans are the integrated part of the organisation. Therefore growth and development is only possible when human resource are developed both internally and externally. Contingency approach Situation analysis is the vital part of the behavioural practices of organisation. Significant analysis of each situation prior to action helps to use all the current knowledge about people in the organisation in the most appropriate manner. Productivity approach Output per unit input is considered. Besides, economic inputs and outputs, we need to have human and social inputs and outputs in workplace, is the premise of this approach Systems approach The systems view emphasizes the interdependence of people, technology, and socio-economic structure of organisation serves as a basis for co-ordinating activities to function as a whole effectively. Question 4 Explain the five major leadership styles as per the Managerial Grid Theory Answer The Managerial Grid Theory or also known as the Blake Mouton Framework builds on the Ohio and Michigan studies and creates a relative position that a leader prefers to take in most situations and thereby identifies his or her predominant style. The five major leadership styles are: * Impoverished leadership Country club leadership * Produce or perish leadership * Middle-of-the-road leadership * Team leadership Impoverished leadership It is the most haphazard, uncoordinated, reluctant, de-motivated style of leadership. It generates zero creativity, immense dissatisfaction and disharmony among employees. They have neither a high regard for creating systems for getting the job done nor for creating a work environment that is satisfying and motivating (low production/low people) Country club leadership It is mostly concerned about the needs and feelings of the members of the team. The main objective is making everyone happy instead of being focussed on the objectives and achieving results. A very relaxed environment exists but without direction and control (high people/low production). Produce or perish leadership Leaders believe that followers are simply a means to an end. They are generally strict and autocratic in nature. They believe frequent punishments can bring productivity and motivation in employees. (high production/low people) Middle of the road leadership Leaders settle for average performance and often believe that this is the most anyone can expect. In this case, neither production nor people needs are fully met. (medium production/medium people) Team leadership Leaders stress on needs related to production, quality and people with equal importance, because they believe that each of them are the stakeholders of the organisation. This creates a team environment based on trust, and respect which leads to high satisfaction and motivation, resulting high production. (high production/high people) Question 5 List some of the commonly found perceptual biases. Answer The commonly found perceptual biases are as follows: Fundamental attribution error * Self serving bias * Selective perception * Halo effect * Contrasts effects * Projection * Stereotyping * Primacy(first-impression) effect * Recency effect * Self-fulfilling prophecy * Pygmalion effect * Golem effect Fundamental attribution error Tendency to underestimate the influence of external factors and overestimate the internal factors Self serving bias Tendency of people to attribute success to internal factors and failure to external factors, is known as self-serving biased perception Selective perception Sometimes a person, or an object or an event stands out from the action. Faulty evaluation follows after the action based on this selective perception. Halo effect Previous success creates a halo in our mind so that every time the same person, object or event returns, expectation remains premium about reproducing similar or better outcome. If the results fail to impress we generate biased judgements and attribute it to some outside factors rather to accept the inabilities. Contrast effects. Individuals do not evaluate a person in isolation. There is always a tendency of comparison which depicts high contrast in values and actual actions of the organisation, generating various prejudices. Projection We tend to feel and see that others are like us, and taking decisions on the premise that others want what we want, such perception is called projection. Stereotyping Judging someone on the basis of our perception of the group to which the person belongs is defined as stereotyping. It simplifies the complex world. But when we inaccurately stereotype, various mistakes and misunderstandings cloud the right perception. Primacy effect First impression-lasting effect theory, the tendency to form lasting opinions about an individual based on the initial perceptions. This error is generally found formal interview sessions. Recency effect When we summarise a series of action taken by a person recently and decide its effectiveness in reality, we perceive with recency effect. Self-fulfilling prophecy It is a tendency for someone’s expectations about another to cause that person to behave in a manner consistent with those expectations. It can of two types * Pygmalion effect- manager has high expectations of his employee and therefore grades him as the topper although the facts indicate otherwise * Golem effect- the same manager evaluates his top performer as third, because his expectation from him is not high although the facts indicate otherwise Question 6 Suppose you are the Team Manager in a multinational company with team strength of 12 members. You are given the responsibility of ensuring that the team gives excellent performance or results. What are the key issues you have to handle in team building? Answer The key issues needed to handle while building a proper team are: * having clear expectations and context * commitment * team design and competence * charter of performance * control and coordination * collaboration * communication * consequences * creative innovation * cultural change Having clear expectations and context The team should get sufficient resources like people, time and money. The team need to understand the role and importance of their work and their strategic existence. Commitment All team members must oath in sincerity and recognised contribution in order have growth and development. They should enthusiastic, excited and challenged by the opportunity. Team design and competence There should continuous evaluation of the structure and reason of existence so that competencies are evolved and used to achieve results faster and in superior quality. Charter of performance The team must define its goals, the outcomes, the timelines, measuring success, and the process to accomplish tasks. Equally , the support of the top management is the precondition Control and coordination The team should have sufficient freedom and mechanism for self regulation and coordination. The top management must ensure the existence of such team spirit, address the challenges through incentives and motivation. Collaboration The team goals should be a collaborative one, and should establish norms so that collaboration becomes easy and effective. Communication The members must continuously communicate among themselves because it is the mother of all issues that is needed to be solved immediately as soon as the team formation occurs. Consequences Team members must be accountable and should feel responsible for the achievement and they should inherently get the idea of consequences of not achieving it. Creative innovation The team must continuously innovate with the freedom of creativity in order to sustain for long run. Cultural change Teams need flat organisational structure, rewards and recognition and training and development of a high order. Traditional companies are not designed for effective team operation. Acknowledgement I would like to thank our honourable lecturers Mr. Indranil Bhattacharya and Miss Sumita Haldar for extensive cooperation and support in order to establish focused effort in completion of the assignment successfully. I would also like to thank my mates and Sikkim Manipal University for extensive cooperation and support. How to cite Marris Growth Maximisation Model, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Child Development for Social and Emotional Skills- myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theChild Development for Social and Emotional Skills. Answer: Although each child is unique, and the physical and cognitive development of any child is expected to be different from the rest, there are certain milestones that are required to be accomplished by a toddler, regardless of his age and his nature. The first milestone is his physical development, as by the time, a toddler turns two years, he must be able to walk on his feet. More importantly, he can also engage himself in more flexible activities, such as he can walk up and down the stair, exert some force and kick a ball, and go down the slide as well. His social skills are developed by the time he turns 1 and a half years old, and he can understand more than he can utter words. As a toddler, he can speak at least several single words, even though some are less distinct than others. The social skills of the child also develop, and yet his ability to choose a partner to engage with or to interact with, is limited (Ortega, 2006). He cannot independently choose whom to interact with, an d often looks up other people to learn about social preferences. As far as his cognitive development is concerned, he may lack concentration, but he develops memory. As a result, he must be able to pick up a few words and use them later. It is highly important for the early child educators to have sufficient knowledge regarding the milestones in the toddler development, as this will help them understand if the child has achieved the milestones or is he lagging behind in terms of his social and cognitive development. This will help them to understand what to be expected out of a toddler in terms of his skills and abilities, and in case he lags behind, which steps shall help in his development. For instance, in case a child educator finds that a toddler is not exhibiting the expected cognitive development as the rest of his age, he may design new activities for him, or send him for counselling. As far as the physical development of a child is concerned, several factors such as heredity, nutrition level of the food offered, health of the mother in her prenatal period, as well as the socio-economic status of the toddlers play an important role in determining their physical development (Hamlin et al., 2007). On the other hand, as far as the emotional development of a child is concerned, factors involved affecting the same include family structure, the level of engagement of the parents with the children, family relations, the nature of play activities the child is engaged in, and the intelligence level of the child. In order to gather necessary and relevant information required for understanding the physical and cognitive development of the toddler, questions to be asked to the parent are as follows: Is the average height or average weight of the immediate as well as the extended family members of the child average or below average? What kind of food does the child eat at his age, and how many times a day is he fed? Has the child in the recent past suffered from any infectious disease that may have impeded his growth for a temporary period? How often is the toddler allowed to play outside? How many members in the family are employed? Who does the toddler spend his time with? How often do the parents engage and interact with the child in a day? Do DHA, protein and essential minerals, along with supplementary food form an important part of the diet of the child? Does the child engage in pretend play activities? Who does the child spend most of his time with? However, I would refrain from asking a few questions to the parents as well. For instance, a child educator should not bluntly ask if the child is coming from a dysfunctional family or not, or what exactly is the cultural belief of the parents. Although a dysfunctional family can affect the emotional and social skill development of a child or his parents ethnic norms may lead to insufficient and unscientific nutrition, asking these questions may harm the sentiments and dignity of the parents (Berger, 2003). Similarly, asking the income level of the parent can be a better option than asking the exact amount of family income. The child educator must report to the parents as soon as he identifies signs of developmental delay in the toddlers. These signs may involve difficulty of the child in receptive language, or with expressive language, his inability to vocalize even when provoked, or does not interact much with his play mates. Other signs may include he does not engage in symbolic play, he cannot hold a pen or turn the page of a book, or he walks on toes only (Bittles et al., 2006). On noticing these signs of developmental delay, the child educator should approach the parents and inform them about these (Commonwealth of Australia, 2012). However, this may cause parental panic and anxiety, and hence it is recommended that the educator investigates the case history of the child well, before communicating it to the parents. For example, a premature child may exhibit slower development than a normal child. The child development theorists that I would think to include in my dream team are as follows: Jean Piaget for his Psychosocial theory of Development as he is the first theorist to explain the role child-society interaction plays in determining effective socio-cognitive development of a child. JohnWatson and B.F Skinner for their Behaviourist theory of Development as these two theorists for the first time stated that the environment in which a child grows up, plays a far more important role in determining his growth and development rather than his heredity. Next, I would choose Uri Bronfenbrenner for his Ecological theory of Child Development. This is because he stated that only nature (heredity factors) cannot facilitate effective growth of a child, and similarly, nor can only nurture (learning environment and parental assistance) lead to proper cognitive and social development of a child. The collaboration of both can only facilitate desirable growth of a child. Albert Bandura, the founder of the Social Learning Theory of Development will also be there in my list, as he emphasized the importance of parental involvement in the development of a child. His theory stated that a child considerably learns from the actions of his role models- parents, and hence child-parent interaction is absolutely mandatory. Reference List: Berger, K. S. (2003).The developing person through childhood and adolescence. Macmillan. Bittles, A., Bower, C., Hussain, R., Glasson, E. (2006). The four ages of Down syndrome. European Journal of Public Health, 17(2), 221225. Retrieved from: Commonwealth of Australia. (2012). KidsMatter Australian Early Childhood Mental Health Initiative: Literature review, component 2: Developing childrens social and emotional skills. Retrieved from: Hamlin, J. K., Wynn, K., Bloom, P. (2007). Social evaluation by preverbal infants.Nature,450(7169), 557-559. Virus-Ortega, J. (2006). The case against BF Skinner 45 years later: An encounter with N. Chomsky.The Behavior Analyst,29(2), 243-251.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Discuss How Management Theory and Practice Has Changed over Since the Early 1900’s Essay Example

Discuss How Management Theory and Practice Has Changed over Since the Early 1900’s Essay The evolution of management has been changed a lot since the early 1900’s. Many different management theories have been developed, the external factor also changing at the same time, such as the technology and the nature of career. Those changing influence the trend of management method. There are four major approaches in the past, classical approaches, behavioral approaches, quantitative approaches and modern approaches. At the past, efficiency is the most important in the earliest management theories. However, in 21st, these is no doubt that the globalize economy is performance-driven. There is a huge change in the main theme of the management theories. Bartol, K (1998) states that before the classical approaches exist, there are some people to set up the foundations for the nature of management. Robert Owen, Charles Babbage and Henry P. Towne. Owen concerns for the working and living conditions of workers. Babbage builds the first practical mechanical calculator and a trial of modern computers, and suggested profit sharing. Towne call for studying management as a science and developed the principles of management. All of their ideas are still affecting the development of management until the 21st. Campling (2008, p. 90) states that about classical approaches, there are three major theories: scientific management, administrative principles and bureaucratic organization. These three theories all sharing the same assumption, it expected the workers will rationally to consider opportunities that are available to them and doing something that can generate the greatest benefit. Bartol, K (1998) states that Frederick Winslow Taylor is known as ‘the father of scientific management’. We will write a custom essay sample on Discuss How Management Theory and Practice Has Changed over Since the Early 1900’s specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Discuss How Management Theory and Practice Has Changed over Since the Early 1900’s specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Discuss How Management Theory and Practice Has Changed over Since the Early 1900’s specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer He developed specific principles of scientific management, such as time and motion studies and wage incentives. Kurt Reymers (1995) states that McDonald is the most famous company using scientific management. The company found that when workers followed the scientific management, they would work much more efficiently. It makes the worker become efficiency, predictability and calculability. Campling (2008, p. 92) states that Henry Fayol developed the administrative principle. He suggested that all organization’s activities can fit into six functions: technical, commercial, financial, security, accounting and managerial activities. Also, he has 14 general principles of management: division of work, authority, discipline, unity of command, unity of direction, subordination of individual interest to general interest, remuneration, centralization, scalar chain, order, equity, stability of tenure, initiative and esprit de corps. Max Weber developed the bureaucratic management. This approach is highlighting the need of organizations to operate in a rational manner. He thinks his organization should have the following characteristics: specialization of labor, formal rules and procedures, impersonality, well-defined hierarchy and career advancement based on merit. Bartol, K (1998) states that those principles also get some problem. Scientific management will make jobs overspecialized, low quality and turnover. Bureaucrat also has some problems. Such as excessive paperwork, slowness in handling problem, resistance to change and employee disgruntled. The different of classical theorists and behavioral approaches is classical theorists viewed people as a machine, find the way to use it more efficiently, but behavioral approaches are about the employee’s behavior being influenced by internal reactions to aspects of the job. Campling (2008, p. 94) states that The behavioral approaches of management is assumed that why people are working is because they want to satisfy the social relationships, respond to group pressures and search for personal fulfillment. Campling (2008, p. 94) states that Abraham Maslow is famous for the hierarchy of Needs, it comprises five levels of needs: physiological, safety, belongingness, esteem and self-actualization. For example, Starbucks and SouthWest airlines in U. S. provided the best working place to the employees, treated their staffs as the most precious resource. Douglas McGregor examined the basic assumptions about human behavior, based upon the early writings of Fayol. McGregor Theory X and Theory Y helped find the ways to interacting with workers. Theory X is use for the people who dislikes work and need to be controlled. Theory Y is for the people who willing to work and capable of self-control. Bartol, K (1998) states that these approaches must set the goals specific and measurable (‘We want to achieve 1000 output in this year’), rather than vague (‘I want to perform better in my job this year’). Campling (2008, p. 99) states that the quantitative approaches focused on using mathematics, statistics and information to support management decision making and solve management problem. There are three main branches: management science, operations management and management information system. Management science uses mathematical techniques to analyze and solve management problem. Operations management is the function or field of expertise primarily responsible for managing production and delivery of an organization’s products and services. Management information system is the field of management focusing on design and implementation of computer-based information systems management. Bartol, K (1988) states that the problem of quantitative approaches that human factor is not easy to quantify and this approach only concern the performance of the organization ignored the other part of the company, such as: employee’s living and working condition, happiness in the working place, technology changes, system reviews or the influence from any outside environment too. Campling (2008, p. 00) states that the modern approaches of management are developed by the classical, human resource and quantitative approaches. Modern management approaches assumed that people are complex and variable. They have many different needs that can change over time. The key of modern management approaches is the systems theory and contingency theory. Campling (2008, p. 101) states that system theory is based on the idea that an organization can be imagined as a system. A system is a set of interrelated parts operating as a unit toward to the common goal. Contingency theory tries to match management practices with the demand of different situation. The previous theories such as Weber’s bureaucracy and Taylor’s scientific management had failed because they neglected that various environment influenced the management system and organizational structure. There could not be one best way for leadership or organization. This theory tries to identify contingency principles to actions, depending on the situation’s characteristics. Nowadays, the national boundaries of world business are rapidly disappearing. Campling (2008, p. ) states that the economy for the whole world is rely the resource flows and product markets on each other rather than only with the local. Globalization brings many opportunities to spread the businesses to reach around the world. Technology is the major component to make the world become globalize. Computer plays a very important role in our daily life. Internet and World Wide Web is the great inve ntion in the world. It helps organizations to speed transactions and improve decision making. Computers and information technology is an indispensable part of everyday operation. The information technology makes communication easier. It helps the people who working in different place and department can more easily communicate and share information with each other. It makes the organization more efficient and effective. Campling (2008, p. 6) states that the â€Å"E-commerce† is the biggest different with the past. â€Å"E-commerce† is the process of buying and selling goods and services by using the Internet and information technologies. It is not alike the tradition face-to-face transaction method, every thing is through the on line to complete. For example, eBay is one of the biggest online auction and shopping website in the world. You can buy anything you wants without out of your home. You just need to use your computer wherever you are. There is totally different with the past transaction method. Earlier management theory may not suitable in this organization, such as classical and behavioral approaches. The contingency theory will fit to this organization, because in this rapidly changing period, everything changing all the time, especially anything about technology. Contingency theory can provide a suitable management method in different situation instead of using the universal method. In conclusion, we can understand that the management theory is changing all the time. It’s always not absolute answers to the human related problem. Even thought different theory may have different problem and critique by some people, it still provided the foundation stone for the principles of management. Inspiring students to develop their own viewpoint. We have already review the past management theories, forecast the management theory will much different in the future of 21st. In the future, we possibly need to blend the approach with other successful example. It’s the way to secure the long terms prosperity of the workplace.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Critical Reflection essayEssay Writing Service

Critical Reflection essayEssay Writing Service Critical Reflection essay Critical Reflection essayBased on the course readings, class discussions, and my own experiences I can discuss my understanding of curriculum. I can define curriculum as a well-developed plan of action, which provides the proper strategies to achieve the established goals. The effectiveness of curriculum depends on individual approaches to teaching and learning, managerial skills and behavioral patterns. Curriculum should be planned based on the established standards. I believe that it is necessary to develop multicultural curriculum that requires the application of the proper skills and abilities to â€Å"teach through culturally knowledge bases† (Sleeter, 2005, p. 44). Besides, curriculum deals with the experiences of learners. The major purposes of curriculum include: developing effective ideas to engage students in meaningful ways; following the established learning standards adopted by professional organizations; providing support to student-centered instruction; providin g flexible delivery of educational programs (Sleeter, 2005; Tomlinson McTighe, 2006).  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In addition, my own identity and experience influence my understanding of curriculum. I realize that curriculum design depends on the construction of knowledge and the effectiveness of planning. My own identity and personal experience reflect the concepts I will teach. Planning and implementing curriculum can be affected by the way we identify problems and issues faced by students and teachers. To understand curriculum in a proper way, it is necessary to have evaluation skills that will allow reporting the results, making judgments about the proposed programs and assessing the effectiveness of procedures.Moreover, my understanding of students’ needs influences my thinking. I believe that the attitudes and skills of a teacher play an important role in successful planning and implementation of curriculum. According to Tomlinson McTighe (2006), the essence of a teacher’s job is â€Å"making sure that the curriculum serves as a catalyst for powerful learning for students who, with our guidance and support, become skilled in and committed to the process of learning† (p. 39). I should be aware of students’ problems and needs to develop effective teaching and professional support. Only in this case students will be able to cope with any problems faced in the learning environment. It is necessary to have an understanding of students’ motives in order to provide high quality of instruction.In general, there are three key points of course learning. First, it is necessary to establish clarity regarding the use of curriculum. Special attention should be paid to the knowledge and skills that help students to succeed in learning process. Second, it is very important to accept responsibility for students’ success in learning. I believe that any teacher should have the ability to assess his/her role in ac ademic success of students.   Besides, it is essential to a teacher to assess the relationship between course learning goals and teaching practice goals. Third, a teacher should build awareness of the most suitable teaching strategies that will help to facilitate the process of learning.  Finally, the above mentioned aspects influence the way I am thinking about my curriculum work. I argue that curriculum helps to develop and effectively use the proper methods of teaching to ensure positive academic outcomes of students. A teacher should be ready to provide support to students involved in learning process through well-organized curriculum. In addition, I believe that curriculum helps to address students’ needs and interests and motivate both teachers and students to work hard.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

International Management Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 1

International Management Report - Essay Example er this approach the main focus of market and product planning is therefore the consumers who form the target market which may be widespread (international) or centralized (confined to a specific geographic location. Consequently for viability, the marketing mix hinges on the 4P components: Product, Price, Promotion, and Place. (Kotler, 2003). Currently the Russian marketplace is one with great potential for international investment given its natural physical and human resources, as well as political development of the last few years. As a result this paper will focus on a market plan for entering this market with Australian gourmet wines, and the subsequent sections will address the different components of the mix as it applies to Russia. Russia is a large country in terms of geography and population size with almost two thirds of the population living in big cities far away from each other and surrounded by vast and little populated areas, often with poor transportation connections between these cities. Over the last decade there has been some political stability and improved standard of living with the passing of a new constitution and a selection of a new government. Notwithstanding, there continues to be widespread crime and corruption as well as deteriorated urban infrastructure. In terms of businesses, although there are retailers and suppliers, these are fragmented, and the few chain stores are not under any organized umbrella. On the socioeconomic front, whereas the greatest purchasing power of the society is concentrated among the minority who are business people living in the large cities, pricing is a very important factor to all consumers. Those with limited purchasing power are mainly older citizens who are interested in the reliability and the quality of goods, especially in the health care sector. Despite this, the leisure preferences displayed currently are sport activities and eating out at restaurants, and for shopping, they prefer large

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Business Ethics Degree Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Business Ethics Degree - Case Study Example If the business goes down and profitability gets affected, this will have a direct impact on the salaries and perks of the workforce. On the other hand if there are more activities on the runway, expansion of the functional areas, addition of another runway, that implies better promotional avenues for the workforce and more job opportunities. The management (top management): The top management can be clubbed with the workforce as well, but this body being a policy making body, is supposed to be answerable to the adverse reactions in the media, NGO's concerns, passengers woes etc. Therefore if the functioning is smooth at the airport, that's a happy situation for the top management as it gets a pat on the back, besides of course, hefty remuneration. The passengers i.e. air travellers: Air travellers are the key customers of the services being offered by an airport. If there are additions in the facilities, it results in reduction of the waiting time in queues, better ambience, more spacious waiting lounges, more facilities at the airport etc. Such additions are bound to delight the customer. If the runway capacity increases, that implies lesser delay in landing and take-offs. This works to the advantage of the air travellers. The investors: Since BAA is a public... All this certainly helps the investor as better dividend can be expected on the investments. The residents living in the vicinity of the airport: Adding another runway implies more aircrafts landing and taking-off in quick succession. This might lead to more noise pollution in the surrounding areas, which might rob off the area residents from their well-deserved peaceful time with their family members, guests etc. BAA will therefore have to take extra care towards reducing the noise levels, which could imply making some additional investments. The airlines: Airlines will of course be the happiest lot with the addition of another runway, because that results in; Less fuel consumptions, as the aircraft doesn't have to hover over the airport, waiting for its turn to get the landing space. Customer satisfaction, as the carrier is now able to maintain time discipline in landing as well as in take-offs More parking space for the aircrafts near the runway, which saves time and money incurred on towing the aircraft to another corner of the airport. The suppliers and other business associates: More business implies more business activities for the suppliers and business associates of the airport as well as the concerned airlines. The Government: If BAA is able to satisfy its customers, able to maintain international quality standards, earn more profits, that implies a happy situation for the government. But if the airport gets a flak for its functioning, NGOs are up in arms against the policies, the governments has to spend considerable amount on placating those concerns. 1.2. From a utilitarian perspective, would you argue for or against the proposed new runway From the utilitarian perspective I will surely argue for the proposed new

Monday, November 18, 2019

Mafia Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Mafia - Assignment Example The mafia is involved in various criminal activities. These include prostitution rings in various cities and towns around the world. These organizations have brothels and operate night clubs to cover up their criminal activities. Most of the women in the prostitution rings are not willing participants but rather victims of human trafficking sold into the sex trade (Artemis 2004). The mafia is also involved in drug trade supplying large quantities of cocaine, amphetamines and other addictive drugs, besides selling to their customers, they also keep their sex workers hooked on these drugs so they have more control over them. Other mafia activities include loan sharking. They use their economic resources to give loans to needy people, most likely gamblers who have been caught up in gambling debts in the illegal gambling dens owned by the mafia. From such people, the mafia will extort large amounts of money to be used in other activities. The mafia is also involved in labor racketeering, smuggling of goods and at times bank robberies. All these activities are used to grow the organizations’ economic resources putting them in a better position to expand the scope of their illegal activities. Where the mafia is involved, slavery is still an issue. The most serious issue is when it comes to the prostitution rings. The mafia will sell young girls and women into sex slavery since most are unwilling to participate knowingly. In rare cases, the mafia will sell people into forced labor.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Company That Change The World Media Essay

Company That Change The World Media Essay Today, the companys worth exceeds RM200 millions, with a turnover of around US1.6 billion and employed more than 1500 staffs. Karangkrafs business was started by publishing their first magazine publication, Mingguan Kanak-Kanak in a little shop lot in Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia. They sold more than 150,000 copies every week during that time. This is when people realized that Karangkraf is a publishing house that was different. With constant demand of printed reading material from readers in Malaysia, during year 1990, the company started to enter commercial printing business with the opening of Ultimate Print Sdn Bhd and Dasar Cetak Sdn Bhd to provide printing services for Karangkrafs products. By then, with their own printing divisions, Karangkraf started to publish books and novels under its Alaf 21 and Karya Bestari imprints. In year 2006, Karangkraf take a big step by publishing own daily newspaper called Sinar Harian . However, Sinar Harian actually is not the first daily publish by Karangkraf. During the 80s, Karangkraf publish a daily tabloid on entertainment and politics called Ekslusif. But the tabloid had to shut down as government refused to renew the publishing permit. With persistent and bravery shown by Dato Hussamuddin, finally Karangkraf received permit to publish a daily newspaper that known to be unconventional, transparent and ready to publish what others will avoided. This motto is the reason Sinar Harian becoming the number one local newspaper in Malaysia. As years passing by, Kumpulan Karangkraf becomes larger and bigger in terms of size and volume. Then the company takes step in year 2010, with incorporation of Kumpulan Media Karangkraf as the parent company to replace Kumpulan Karangkraf to monitor the four core business divisions: magazines, newspaper, books, printing and digital each managed by its own team of management. 1.2 The Divisions Grup Majalah Karangkraf (Magazine Business) currently is publishing 29 titles of magazines throughout Malaysia that cover different genres for different age and gender. In terms of market share, Karangkraf has taken over about 50% of total magazine market in Malaysia. The magazine division accounts for 30% to 40% of Karangkraf revenue. Grup Buku Karangkraf (Book Division) has published more than a thousand books over the past 10 years. This division currently publishes average of twenty titles monthly to meet the demand of Malaysian readers. The book division contributes about 10% of Karangkraf turnover. Grup Sinar Karangkraf (Newspaper Division) publishes daily local national newspaper, Sinar Harian in the Peninsular of Malaysia. Sinar Harian has eight different editions to supply local news to different regions in the country. The division contributes about 10% to 15% of group revenue. Grup Percetakan Ultimate (Printing Division) is division that contributes nearly 40% of Karangkraf revenue, also is the largest commercial printers in Malaysia. Ultimate Print Sdn Bhd does not only commit to print Karangkrafs publications but also has a big reputation in printing business for having most of major clients such as Sony and Panasonic. Grup Digital Karangkraf (Digital Division) is the latest group in the company. This division was created to engage in digital business and to provide digital reading materials. 1.3 Geographic Market Forty years ago, when Karangkraf has only started, the founder was target to build business within Malaysia as during that time, reading materials were dull and uninspiring. With constant determination to inspire Malaysian to read more and to uphold Malay language, now Karangkraf is one of the biggest publishing groups in Malaysia and it is the largest Malay language publisher. Kumpulan Media Karangkraf Sdn Bhd builds their head quarter in Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia which is the head office to all the divisions except for printing division. This head office held most of the staffs such as editors, graphic designers, reporters, and photographers and also the place where books, magazines and newspapers been published. Most photo shoots for their magazines are held in here. Authors of books and novels will send their work to editors here for editing before send to printing division for printing process. For Ultimate Print Sdn Bhd, they have their own office and printing factory nearb y and also in Shah Alam. With skills workers and advance machines, Ultimate Print capable to print 2 million copies monthly. As for newspaper division, this group also has sub offices in different states; Perak, Kelantan, Terengganu, Johor, Pahang, Pulau Pinang, Kedah, Melaka and Negeri Sembilan, according to the state of the Sinar Harian edition. These sub offices are for the editors and reporters to prepare and supply local news faster to the community in the area. Karangkraf currently only publishes their publications in Malay language. Malay language is national language in Malaysia, Brunei, and Indonesia and one of official languages in Singapore. Thus, for the past years, their target customers are only limited to these regions. However, with the fast and advance technology of internet and gadgets nowadays, they have started their digital group division to make their magazines and newspaper available online. Karangkraf already have started to provide purchase services via online to simplify customer to buy and subscribe to Karangkraf publications. With their establish brand, Karangkraf also have explored the need to translate their books and magazines into different languages to get through demand from international readers. 2.0 PRODUCT OF KARANGKRAF; MALAY LANGUAGE NOVEL 2.1 Introduction of Malay Language Novel Publication in Karangkraf The Karangkrafs book division is the collaboration of three publication subsidiaries called Alaf 21, Buku Prima and Karya Bestari. On April 1997, Alaf 21 was born and this is the start point of books business under Karangkrafs wings. Alaf 21 now is known as an establish publisher of Malay language fiction novels. Biofoto Raihan is the first publication under Alaf 21 and started from that, Alaf 21 keep on producing quality reading materials for readers. Alaf 21 also produces motivational, recipe and craft work books. With more than three hundred supplier agents around Malaysia, the market for their books also covers Singapore, Brunei and individuals around the world. 2.2 Type of Good Novels are classified into monopolistic competitive market where there were many firms in the market but the products are differentiated products. Because each novel is unique so the publishers are rather price makers rather than price takers. The cost to reprint additional copy is actually much less than the price of the novel itself. Example, price of a novel by Alaf21 is RM19.90, but the cost to reprint another copy is not RM19.90, it is actually much less than RM4 per copy for normal size paperback novel. Thus, the price is higher than marginal cost which fulfils monopolistic competition case. Other than that, Karangkrafs novels can be specified as a normal good as it is positively related to income because when income increases, quantity demanded followed increases and vice versa. This statement is according to mini survey that was held by our group to loyal novels readers. From 23 respondents, 21 of respondents said that if the price was increased, they will still buy but with quantity less than before. They will limit to novels that received good reviews or certain writers only and not just any novels from the shelf. But if the price is unchanged and their income increased because of bonuses or increments, all of them agreed that they will spend more on novels. As quantity demand and income move in same direction, Karangkraf novels have positive income elasticities (elasticity > 0). At some times, publishers will lowered price of some novel when customer pre-order the novel before it hits the store. The sales revenue of that particular novel will increase resulting from increasing of quantity demanded by customers. Thus, this product agrees with Law of Demand. This is an example for novel titled Adam dan Hawa. After the drama series adapted from the novel screened on television, Karangkraf reprinted the novel and gives lower price of RM16.92 each for readers whom pre-order via online instead of normal price RM19.90 each in the stores. This discounted price got encouraging responses from readers and also the television series fans and has increased the sales of that novel. 2.3 Demand of the Product The brand of Karangkraf and Alaf 21 are well known to Malay language novels lovers. The quality of the novels published has been established and trusted with over forty years of experiences in publication. With new technology and now more substitutes reading materials available in the internet or online, worldwide publication companies had decreasing in quantity demanded of printed reading materials. However, Karangkraf still experienced increasing in profits in their printed publications. Many factors could be the reason of this event such as increasing of income, the trusted Karangkrafs brand or Karangkrafs good marketing strategy. This also shown that the demand of Karangkrafs products did not affected by the substitutes or competitors. Recently, the drama of Adam dan Hawa was screened on television is adapted from the novel by Alaf 21. The popularity of the drama series has causing the same titled novel has increase in the number of sales and the demand for the novel also increasing tremendously. Even though this novel was published on 2005 but the impact of the drama make the quantity demanded for the novel increases. Although there still no exact figure of profits Karangkraf received with this phenomena as the drama still in running on television. With that kind of special attentions were given to a novel, Alaf 21 has reprinted the novel to fulfil the demand and the price of the novel in bookstore is still the same with other title. Another factor that can affect the increasing demand is 1Malaysia book voucher worth RM250 that were given to students. By receiving this voucher the students whom mostly are teenagers tend to spend it for novels than textbooks. This is because one of the major populations who read novel is teenagers or students. Besides education book, novel will be apart as their reading material in a leisure time and for entertainment purpose. 2.4 Target Market Novel is a fictional narrative to represent some characters and usually a plot in different genres such as romances, actions, thrillers or mysteries. Different types of genres attract different group of population. Karangkraf is a publisher that aims all types of generations and genders. This statement can be supported by the types of novel that Karangkraf publishes; love, teenager love, family love, thriller, Islamic and nostalgia. Focusing on Alaf 21 publications, they have more inclination towards publishing romances fictions or chic-lit. So their target markets are women above 20 years old. Karangkraf has stated that romance novels which dominate the Malay book market are mostly read by women above 35 years of age. As for Buku Prima, they are more focusing on publishing lighter content novel and give moral values towards reader. So their target markets are teenagers below 20 years old and also children. Karya Bestari is a publisher for religion or Islamic books and their target m arket are Muslims of all ages. 2.5 Special Characteristics There are a lot of novels published by Alaf 21 become phenomenal to novel fans such as Ombak rindu, Adam dan Hawa, Bicara Hati and Kasih Yang Suci. All this novels are either was adapted into a movie or into a drama series shown by television; hence it increases the commercial value of the novels. This is actually a marketing strategy that now makes Alaf 21 and also Karangkraf, the trusted brands in creative fiction. The impact is that the readers will always waiting for new published novel as they already have confident with the quality and satisfaction in reading of Alaf 21 novels. 2.6 Competitors and Substitutes There are few competitors of publishers in Malay language novel in Malaysia such as Karyaseni Enterprise and Kaki Novel Sdn Bhd. Karyaseni was started their business on 2006 from web based homepage named by collecting short story and novel submitted by authors around the country. They realized the demand and important of printed novels thus Karyaseni as a publication company was born on 2011. Kaki Novel started their publishing Malay language novel on 2005. Both of these publishers are considered very new in this industry while Karangkraf is the pioneer with no peers during their first started. Novel can be said as an entertainment source for reader by giving excitement and fun and sometimes valuable information and moral values to the reader. Reading novel can be sort of a hobby to some people. In the market, there are a lot of substitutes for novel such as comics, magazines, internet, television and other source that can give entertainment to people. Karangkraf must have a good marketing strategy to distinguish from other competitors and substitutes to keep on survive, gain demand and profits. Karangkraf also achieve a competitive advantage as their  business position better within the business environment. They have an advantage in operational effectiveness as Karangkraf have their own printing company. Also with Karangkraf own printing company, novel by Karangkraf is not expensive in the market as they already cut cost in that department. This may attempt to increase quality, productivity, and employees and customers satisfaction with the company. 2.7 Marketing Strategy Karangkraf always involve their writers and authors during launch ceremony of their creations and turning their authors into celebrity. Book signing activity is the usual agenda during the launch of the novel to introduce the author and keep a good relationship between the authors and readers. By that, authors will have loyal fans that will always waiting for new novel by their favourite author. Karangkraf keep on exposing the good and creative creation of their authors for adaptation by directors that will turn the novel into motion pictures. This positive relationship between Production Company and Karangkraf had shown the quality of products by Karangkraf. The novels of Karangkraf that turn into movies and dramas always received high ratings or become a box office movie. The writers will receive royalty and this is a good encouragement towards other writers to keep on giving a creative product and different from others. Karangkraf need to do a lot of promotions to promote their products as well as their writers. Karangkraf take action by always conduct their own book carnivals, Pesta Buku Karangkraf to introduce all of their products in one place. During the events, discounts were given to attract more buyers. Karangkraf also have considered more of their products to be available online to attract more young reader and also the needs of translation into different languages to promote their products outside Malay language regions. Karangkraf also established a web called karangkraf mall whereas a customers may purchase karangkraf product online. The web is very user friendly and makes the process of purchasing easier to the customer. This is an innovation strategy that provides them a competitive advantage. Karangkraf always give great attention and hard work to design their cover page despite the idiom Do not judge the book by its cover, but with attractive design on the cover will capture the buyers eyes from many books in the market. 3.0 CONCLUSION With over forty years of experience in publication, Karangkraf keep on producing a quality product that can be trusted. As a market leader, Karangkraf have their speciality and strength to focuses on what the customer wants from company and how to provide that. They also are able to provide products that are different and offer different features than the competitors. With cost operational advantage they will perform the business activities better and maximize the profit.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Metoric Rise of Tommy Hilfiger :: essays papers

Metoric Rise of Tommy Hilfiger The Meteoric Rise of Tommy Hilfiger As a Recognized Brand Name "The Four Great American Designers for Men Are: R---- L-----, P---- E----, C----- K----, T---- H-------". When this Wheel of Fortune-style advertisement was unveiled in 1985, the public easily identified the first three designers as Ralph Lauren, Perry Ellis, and Calvin Klein, but who was this fourth designer? The fourth designer, to whom the ad belonged to, was Tommy Hilfiger. At that time, Tommy Hilfiger and his recently begun company specializing in men's fashions were unknown. However, in less that a decade since that first advertisement appeared, Tommy Hilfiger has become a hugely successful company at the forefront of the fashion industry. As Jack Hyde, a Fashion Institute of Technology professor, has stated, "It's Hilfiger, Hilfiger, Hilfiger." Tommy Hilfiger, 48, founder, designer, and honorary chairman of the Hong Kong-based company that bears his name, was born and raised in the small town of Elmira, New York. He was one of nine children. Even at a young age, his fashion and artistic talents were shown through his dress. "He's always wearing a shirt or a pair of pants that was a little different than what everyone else was wearing" a friend of his remarked. In 1969, Hilfiger and two friends opened People's Place, a store specializing in trendy fashions and other items. The store grew and expanded with People's Places opening in various upstate New York towns such as Ithaca and Corning. Hilfiger, wanting to design clothes rather than purchase them from the manufacturer, began to consider becoming a designer. When his People's Place chain went bankrupt in 1977, Hilfiger moved to New York and worked as a designer, even though he had never attended design school, for various companies until 1984, when Tommy Hil figer the company was born. Today Tommy Hilfiger labels grace everyone from President Bill Clinton to rapper Snoop Doggy Dogg and that wide range of clientele accounts for the company selling $756.9 million dollars' worth of merchandise each year. Last year, Tommy Hilfiger Corporation (TOM) was one of the top apparel firms traded on the New York Stock Exchange.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Separate Pasts Essay

Separate Pasts takes place during the 1950’s in Melton A. McLaurin’s small hometown, Wade, North Carolina. It is a detailed story of his boyhood in the rural South, which was a time when racism was a daily norm. McLaurin argues that racism existed unchallenged in the rural South. I found that this argument is valid due to the personal experiences that he had to face while growing up in the rural South, which he describes in great detail. McLaurin grew up with the knowledge that whites were treated very differently than blacks and not thinking anything of it. Although blacks and whites were demanded to work together in the village, he noticed that everyone played a different role based off their race. Some of the roles being, blacks always entered through the back doors of homes, hold the door open for the whites, did the laundry for the whites and were responsible for all the labor work for the whites. M cLaurin was not aware of how severe racism was at that time until he experienced it first hand with Bobo. Bobo, who was his first black friend, was not an important part of his life although they grew up together and had known him his whole life. It all started one fall Saturday afternoon when McLaurin, BoBo and six other people, white and black, started playing a pickup game. Pickup games were basketball games played between two integrated teams, regardless of race, based solely upon the skills of the individuals. As the game commenced, the basketball that was being used was known to leak air and had to be re-inflated every thirty minutes. McLaurin, Bobo, and their friend Howard went to the store, the store he worked at, to inflate the ball once they noticed it was no longer able to bounce and interfered with the game. There was a normal procedure that needed to be followed in order to inflate the ball. First, there was a needle that needed to be lubricated by being stuck it into so meone’s mouth or having someone spit on it. Next, the needle would be inserted into the small round valve where the basketball was inflated. By following those two steps it would lead to the third and last step, inflating the basketball. However, this particular time in McLaurin, Bobo and Howard’s case, they ran into a dilemma. The needle could not be inserted into the valve, no matter how many times they tried. The needle was handed over to Bobo for him to apply saliva using his mouth to try and lubricate the needle for it to be pushed into the valve. Still with no luck, McLaurin decided to take the matter into his own hands and put the needle into his mouth, convinced that his spit would get  the needle into the valve allowing them to return to the playing court. After placing the needle into his mouth, a moment of realization hit him. â€Å"A split second after placing the needle in my mouth, I was jolted by one of the most shattering emotional experiences of my young life.† (Page 37) He came to the realization that the same needle he had just placed in his mouth, was in Bobo’s mouth seconds before. â€Å"The needle in my mouth, however, had been purposely drenched with Negro spit, and that substance threatened to defile my entire being†¦It threatened me with germs which, everyone said, were common along with blacks†¦these black germs would ravish my body with unspeakable diseases, diseases from the tropics, Congo illnesses that would rot my limbs, contort my body with pain.† (Page 37) McLaurin felt that Bobo’s saliva, Negros saliva, threatened the concept of what being white meant. The more he thought about the situation, the more he became angry, upset and disgusted with himself. Its extremity caused McLaurin to feel the need to spit and gag in order to throw up any of the black saliva that might still have remained in his body. He felt as if Bobo’s black essence degraded him and made him like Bobo, black, less than human. McLaurin grew up in a village in which race and sex were so interwoven into the facts and fantasies of life, that residents instinctively understood their interrelated roles within the society. â€Å"†¦.Sexual contact between blacks and whites had been an integral part of life in the South from the time the first slaves were introduced into the region.† (Page 65) White women had to be cautious of their dress in the presence of black males because whites people feared black men would be aroused if they were to see a whi te woman in a pair of shorts. White women were also warned to â€Å"watch out for so and so†, or warned to not go places without being accompanied by elders. If a black male was to be attracted to a white woman, whites in spite of conveying the appropriate message automatically said derogatory and racist remarks. McLaurin caught interest in a girl named Charlotte Humphries who had been a schoolmate of his since the first grade. Blue eyes, blonde hair, having the complexion of a white girl, he was impressed and did not think pursuing wanting to date her would be a problem. However, regardless of his feelings, his mother disagreed and insisted that Charlotte would not be a good idea for him. McLaurin’s grandmother began to explain to him that he â€Å"just shouldn’t† pursue her, mentioning that the story behind it all goes  back a long time ago. She explained that Charlotte’s great-grandmother was someone who was a â€Å"mulatto nigra†. Some mulattos pass as white, even t hough they are not, if they are light enough and that is what happened with Charlotte’s great-grandmother. Even though Charlotte was blue eyed blond hair, McLaurin could not pursue her simply because black ancestry was in her blood. He was left â€Å"to ponder who Charlotte should date if she were white, but not white enough.† (Page 75) One summer night, McLaurin along with a gathering of boys under sixteen met in a small vacant lot behind a house where they played a modified version of softball which they played until the batters could no longer see the ball in the red twilight cast by the sun already hidden beneath the horizon. After the game ended, most players went home but McLaurin and some of the other boys decided to go to Noah Bullock’s Store, which was located across the village near the highway. At this store is where McLaurin remembered a â€Å"mean race-baiting incident† (Page 102) a murder he had witnessed a few months earlier. The shooting had occurred one late afternoon between dusk and the evening meal. A couple, Mary Lou Adams and her husband Martin, approached the store. Martin was a withdrawn man who was one of the few blacks whom the white residents feared. Mary Lou shortly realized she was in immediate danger after entering the store and slamming the screen door shut behind her with her husband pursuing her carrying a shotgun. Martin shot and stuck Mary Lou in the chest causing her to collapse on the floor creating dark splotches everyone would be able to gaze at months later. Many of Wade’s citizens saw the crime as â€Å"simply another nigger shooting, exciting but of no real consequence†. The next day, McLaurin and the other boys approached the store and sat on a nearby bench and rehashed the murder, hoping that one of the store’s customers would entertain them with another shooting. When finding out that a customer named Sam was inside the store, their fears rekindled because they had heard stories about Sam killing someone with his bare hands. The boys decided to taunt with Sam by yelling a chant inside the store saying â€Å"Nigger, nigger black as tar, stuck his head in a molasses jar, jar broke, cut his th roat, wet to hell on a Billy goat†, hoping that they could enrage Sam into causing a scene. Once they chanted, they ran for their lives thinking Sam would run after them and hurt them. Sam never chased them, in fact he never even left the stores, leaving the boys with realization that Sam was just a collective  figure of their imagination because he was black. McLaurin felt guilt for â€Å"violating the basic human dignity that my family acknowledged blacks possessed†. But more so because he had hurt Sam with the fact of his race knowing that Sam did not do anything to deserve the racist actions. (Page 109) In 1997, McLaurin lived in Wilmington, North Carolina when he decided to take a trip back to Wade, which eventually turned into an annual event. During his trip he learns that racism is still there even after all these years, just below the surface, in just about everything. â€Å"It’s in you, and it’s in me, and that’s the truth, down there inside us. That’s just the way it is.† (Page 176) Overall, I was highly convinced by Mc Laurin’s personal story where racism is shown to have been and still is a huge problem in the South. Racism began in the early years; people became accustomed to it and has unfortunately continued for many more years. Racism was a very significant theme to the narrative that he was discussing because not only did he experience it first hand, he witnessed his family and friends go through the same thing his entire childhood and adulthood. McLaurin’s argument of racism was presented very effectively with several clear examples throughout the book such as Bobo, Charlotte, and Sam. The historical value of this book is getting a first hand, inside look of how life was in the rural South from a conflicted young white’s point of view showing the segregation and racism of the time and how his implanted views on racism were changed by his positive personal experiences with blacks.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Comparisson Between Democratic and Republican Parties essays

Comparisson Between Democratic and Republican Parties essays Even though Republicans and Democrats had similar organization and purposes, there were many issues separating the two. Some of those differences were in the ways the parties described themselves in their platforms and any other campaign appeals. By waving the bloody shirt, Republicans asserted a virtual monopoly on patriotism. But that wasnt the extent to which the Republicans exploited the Civil War legacy. They voted to provide federal pensions to Union army veterans, widows, and orphans. Republicans cultivated the Grand Army of the Republic and urging them to vote as you shot. Another theme for the Republican campaign was prosperity. They pointed to the economic growth of the postwar era claiming that their wise policies were responsible for it. Republicans never actually committed themselves in favor of prohibition but announced that they were in favor of all wise and well-directed efforts for the promotion of temperance and morality. So while describing all Republicans as uprig ht and virtuous citizens, the portrayed Democrats as the old slave-owner and slave-driver, the saloon-keeper, the ballot-box-stuffer, the Kuklux [Klan], the criminal class of the great cities, the men who cannot read or write, and also adding in Boss Tweed. While Republicans focused on describing what their party did and who they were, Democrats focused on explaining what they opposed. They stood firm against governmental interference in the economy. They said the public domain should provide farms for citizens, not subsidies for corporations. All in all, Democrats position was much closer to laissez faire than that of the Republicans. In addition to that, they also opposed government interference in social relations and behavior. They condemned prohibition in the North, especially in Irish and German communities, calling it a violation of personal liberty. They defended Catholics from political ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Diplomacy and How America Does It

Diplomacy and How America Does It In its basic social sense, â€Å"diplomacy† is defined as the art of getting along with other people in a sensitive, tactful, and effective manner. In its political sense, diplomacy is the art of conducting polite, non-confrontational negotiations between representatives, knows as â€Å"diplomats,† of various nations. Typical issues dealt with through international diplomacy include war and peace, trade relations, economics, culture, human rights, and the environment. As part of their jobs, diplomats often negotiate treaties   formal, binding agreements between nations which must then be approved or â€Å"ratified† by the governments of the individual nations involved. In short, the goal of international diplomacy is to reach mutually acceptable solutions to common challenges facing nations in a peaceful, civil manner. How the US Uses Diplomacy Supplemented by military strength along with economic and political influence, the United States depends on diplomacy as the primary means of achieving its foreign policy goals. Within the U.S. federal government, the presidential Cabinet-level Department of State has primary responsibility for conducting international diplomatic negotiations. Using the best practices of diplomacy, the ambassadors and other representatives of the Department of State work to achieve the agency’s mission to â€Å"shape and sustain a peaceful, prosperous, just, and democratic world and foster conditions for stability and progress for the benefit of the American people and people everywhere.† State Department diplomats represent the interests of the United States in a diverse and rapidly-evolving field of multi-national discussions and negotiations involving issues such as cyber warfare, climate change, sharing outer space, human trafficking, refugees, trade, and unfortunately, war and peace. While some areas of negotiation, such as trade agreements, offer changes for both sides to benefit, more complex issues involving the interests of multiple nations or those that are particularly sensitive to one side or the other can make reaching an agreement more difficult. For U.S. diplomats, the requirement for Senate approval of agreements further complicates negotiations by limiting their room to maneuver. According to the Department of State, the two most important skills diplomats need are a complete understanding of the U.S. view on the issue and an appreciation of the culture and interests of the foreign diplomats involved. â€Å"On multilateral issues, diplomats need to understand how their counterparts think and express their unique and differing beliefs, needs, fears, and intentions,† notes the Department of State. Rewards and Threats are Tools of Diplomacy During their negotiations, diplomats may use two very different tools to reach agreements: rewards and threats. Rewards, such as the sale of arms, economic aid, shipments of food or medical assistance, and promises of new trade are often used to encourage agreement. Threats, usually in the form of sanctions restricting trade, travel or immigration, or cutting off financial aid are sometimes used when negotiations become deadlocked. Forms of Diplomatic Agreements: Treaties and More Assuming they end successfully, diplomatic negotiations will result in an official, written agreement detailing the responsibilities and expected actions of all nations involved. While the best-known form of diplomatic agreements is the treaty, there are others. Treaties A treaty is a formal, written agreement between or among countries and international organizations or sovereign states. In the United States, treaties are negotiated through the executive branch by the Department of State. After diplomats from all countries involved have agreed to and signed the treaty, the President of the United States sends it to the U.S. Senate for its â€Å"advice and consent† on ratification. If the Senate approves the treaty by a two-thirds majority vote, it is returned to the White House for the president’s signature. Since most other countries have similar procedures for ratifying treaties, it can take sometimes take years for them to be fully approved and implemented. For example, while Japan surrendered to allied forces in World War II on September 2, 1945, the U.S. did not ratify a Treaty of Peace with Japan until September 8, 1951. Interestingly, the U.S. has never agreed to a peace treaty with Germany, largely because of the political division of Germany in the years after the war. In the United States, a treaty may be nullified or canceled only by the enactment of a bill approved by Congress and signed by the president.   Treaties are created to deal with a wide array of multinational issues including peace, trade, human rights, geographic borders, immigration, national independence, and more. As times change, the scope of subjects covered by treaties widens to keep pace with current events. In 1796, for example, the U.S. and Tripoli agreed to a treaty to protect American citizens from kidnapping and ransom by pirates in the Mediterranean Sea. In 2001, the United States and 29 other countries agreed to an international agreement to combat cybercrime. Conventions A diplomatic convention is a type of treaty that defines an agreed-upon framework for further diplomatic relations between independent countries on a wide variety of issues. In most cases, countries create diplomatic conventions to help deal with shared concerns. In 1973, for example, representatives of 80 countries, including the United States, formed the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) to protect rare plants and animals around the world. Alliances Nations typically create diplomatic alliances to deal with mutual security, economic or political issues or threats. For example, in 1955, the Soviet Union and several Eastern European communist countries formed a political and military alliance known as the Warsaw Pact. The Soviet Union proposed the Warsaw Pact as a response to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), formed by the United States, Canada and Western European nations in 1949. The Warsaw Pact was dissolved shortly after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. Since then, several Eastern European nations have joined NATO. Accords While diplomats work to agree on the terms of a binding treaty, they will sometimes agree to voluntary agreements called â€Å"accords.† Accords are often created while negotiating particularly complicated or controversial treaties involving many countries. For example, the 1997 Kyoto Protocol is an accord among nations to limit the emissions of greenhouse gases.   Who Are the Diplomats? Along with an administrative support staff, each of the nearly 300 U.S. embassies, consulates, and diplomatic missions worldwide is overseen by one presidentially appointed â€Å"ambassador† and group of â€Å"Foreign Service Officers† who assist the ambassador. The ambassador also coordinates the work of representatives of other U.S. federal government agencies in the country. At some large overseas embassies, personnel from as many as 27 federal agencies work in concert with the embassy staff. The ambassador is the president’s top-ranking diplomatic representative to foreign nations or international organizations, like the United Nations. Ambassadors are appointed by the president and must be confirmed by a simple majority vote of the Senate. At larger embassies, the ambassador is often assisted by a â€Å"deputy chief of mission (DCM). In their role as â€Å"chargà © daffaires,† the DCMs serve as the acting ambassador when the main ambassador is outside the host country or when the post is vacant. The DCM also oversees the day-to-day administrative management of the embassy, as well as the work if the Foreign Service Officers. Foreign Service Officers are professional, trained diplomats who represent U.S. interests abroad under the direction of the ambassador. The Foreign Service Officers observe and analyze current events and public opinion in the host nation and report their findings to the ambassador and Washington. The idea is to ensure that U.S. foreign policy is responsive to the needs of the host nation and its people. An embassy generally houses five types of Foreign Service Officers: Economic Officers: work with the host nation’s government to negotiate new trade laws, ensure internet freedom, protect the environment, or fund scientific and medical advances.Management Officers: are the â€Å"go-to† diplomats with responsibility for all embassy operations from real estate to staffing to budgeting.Political Officers: advise the ambassador on political events, public opinion, and cultural changes in the host nation.Public Diplomacy Officers: have the sensitive job of building support for U.S. policies within the host nation through public participation; social media; educational, cultural and sports programs; and all manner of daily â€Å"people-to-people† relations.Consular Officers: assist and protect American citizens in the host nation. If you lose your passport, get in trouble with the law, or want to get married to a foreigner overseas, the Consular Officers can help. So, what qualities or traits do diplomats need to be effective? As Benjamin Franklin said, â€Å"The qualities of a diplomat are sleepless tact, unmovable calmness, and a patience that no folly, no provocation, no blunders may shake.†

Monday, November 4, 2019

Martin Luther King. Jr. Letter From Birmingham Jail Essay

Martin Luther King. Jr. Letter From Birmingham Jail - Essay Example The Letter from Birmingham Jail, written by Martin Luther King, Jr. from the city jail in Birmingham, Alabama, was a response letter to a dictating statement made by eight Clergymen belonging to the majority white sections. Even while responding to each and every charge of the clergyman, King tries to persuade both the Clergymen as well as the moderate sections of the White population to understand the African-American point of view. From earlier times, the social activists in order to actualize and promote social justice will normally use rhetorical and at the same time persuasive strategies to persuade theirs’ opponents. On those same lines, King in his letter tries to persuade certain sections of the population by adopting Aristotle’s rhetoric devices or three modes of persuasion, Ethos, Pathos and Logos. Martin Luther King exhibits clear and at the same high sense of Ethos in the letter, starting from the first paragraph itself. Ethos in a written or spoken content is related to the characteristics including the morality of the person. He/she would always take moral and fair decisions, without compromising ethics. Although, he states that he and his secretaries may not read and reply to all the criticism letters, he had made attempt to give a reply to this letter by the Clergymen, whom he views as good people and also as he wants to answer in a patient and reasonable mindset. â€Å"I feel that you are men of genuine good will and that your criticisms are sincerely set forth, I want to try to answer your statements in what I hope will be patient and reasonable terms.† (King 1). Through these words, King gives importance to the Clergymen, and this valuing will surely make these Clergymen favourably consider King’s response letter. The other aspect of Ethos is to represent himself/herself as an equivalent to their counterparts and importantly to prove that he/she has the power to handle the affairs and the authority to represent his /her people. King puts forward this aspect by stating how he has served as the President of the Southern Christian Leadership conference, and how that tenure proves that he has apt authority to represent the African-Americans in any level of talks. (King 2). Furthermore, King likens him as a prophet of freedom like Paul, who has been given the authority by his people to represent and talk for them. â€Å"Like Paul, I must constantly respond to the Macedonian call for aid.† (King 3). This elevation of himself, again shows that he is better endowed and understanding person, who can exhibit the mindset and views of the African Americans effectively. To further impress upon the Clergymen and also the moderate sections about their suppression and plight, and how they have to be understood and treated fairly, King uses Pathos. King tries to evoke Pathos by pointing out in vivid details how the daily lives of the African Americans is becoming living hell due to the brutalities, carr ied out by the majority sections. â€Å"But when you have seen vicious mobs lynch your mothers and fathers at will and drown your sisters and brothers at whim.† (King 14). By pointing out how even a small child has not remained unaffected by the oppression carried out by the Whites, he further evokes sympathy. â€Å"†¦when you suddenly find your tongue twisted and your speech stammering as you seek to explain to your sex-year-old daughter why she can't go to the public amusement park that has just been advertised on television† (King 14). Through these lines, King wants to showcase to the Clergymen, who criticised him, how his fellow men and woman are struggling to live a life with respect. Pathos was again used as a mode of persuasion in the latter part of the letter, when he talks about how the Police gravely assaulted and repressed the harmless African-Americans. â€Å"†¦if you had seen its dogs sinking their teeth into unarmed, nonviolent Negroes†¦i f you were to see them slap and kick old Negro men and young boys†