Friday, May 8, 2020

How to Use 50 Words Over College Essay Limit

How to Use 50 Words Over College Essay LimitThis is something that I learned a long time ago, and now I do it often when writing essays over 50 words. It is not a cheating tactic; rather, it is something that has been proven to work.It is something that anyone who does use it will understand, and most students do. There are many benefits to using this technique, so let's look at the two of them. First, we will discuss how to come up with the fifty words and then I will show you how to use it in the second paragraph.You need to be aware that you are allowed to use longer words in your essay if you want to over the word limit. The maximum allowed word count in your college essay is fifty words, but many professors have no problem allowing extra words in there. If you follow the rules, you can get away with it.In the second paragraph, what you are trying to do is make your point with your main idea and then expand on it. You want to keep your point simple and direct, so using longer wor ds will ruin the whole concept of the essay. You want to use as little jargon as possible, and that means avoiding slang terms like 'hardly'fast' (unless they are used as modifiers). Using them in the first paragraph will cause problems, so do not do it.Instead, write about the subject matter of your essay and make sure to include the benefits of the subject. Keep your point short, because people want to hear about an interesting concept that will provide you with some good information. People love to read about something that can benefit them.You can easily make up for the loss of the fifty words by taking the best idea from the first paragraph and using it as your main point. Of course, you are going to have to cut down the point about the subject and make it about something else, but that is okay. You should always cut down your points to make sure that they are relevant.Once you do that, you can write about the benefits and then move onto your whole point. You want to have the f irst paragraph and the second paragraph completed before the deadline, but that is not necessary. Just make sure that the point about the subject has a good thesis statement that you can support with the benefits of the subject.Remember, the fifty words you are allowed is just a guideline, and if you stick to it, you can get away with a few more words in your college essay. If you find that your idea needs to be longer, you can take out some of the information you wrote and include a conclusion about your topic. However, always stick to the fifty words, no matter what.

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